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Five dating sites for seniors

Earl Fowler

1) If you now find the highlight of awards shows like the Grammys to be the In Memoriam section, where you recognize at least a few of the dead celebrities, unlike the live performers, we recommend eCarbon14 Dating. Tagline: Swipe right ... to the Triassic.

2) Unlike Grindr, a geosocial application exclusively for LGBTQ people, Senior Grinder refers to bone-on-bone contact in knees and hips and anywhere else your body is coming a cropper like the American system of checks and balances. Even if you don’t hook up with anyone else, you can still have multiple polyclamorous connections. Tagline: What’s a joint like you doing in a sweetheart like this?

3) Ashley Pathogen: Life is short. Have a disease.

4) Costco Inferno: The beets go on.

5) 23 Teeth and Me: Bring a straw.

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Meet 64 second-old AIAudrey, designed to make 64 look like just the Vogue cover for you! Step right up and see the eight wonders of the world, folks; only 25 cents!


4) Orthopedics shop

5) Used 33s vinyl shop (after hearing aid supplier.)

6) Cane and able supplier

7) Mobility device showroom

8) Florida restaurants with early-bird specials


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