Five dating sites for seniors
1) If you now find the highlight of awards shows like the Grammys to be the In Memoriam section, where you recognize at least a few of the dead celebrities, unlike the live performers, we recommend eCarbon14 Dating. Tagline: Swipe right ... to the Triassic.
2) Unlike Grindr, a geosocial application exclusively for LGBTQ people, Senior Grinder refers to bone-on-bone contact in knees and hips and anywhere else your body is coming a cropper like the American system of checks and balances. Even if you don’t hook up with anyone else, you can still have multiple polyclamorous connections. Tagline: What’s a joint like you doing in a sweetheart like this?
3) Ashley Pathogen: Life is short. Have a disease.
4) Costco Inferno: The beets go on.
5) 23 Teeth and Me: Bring a straw.
Meet 64 second-old AIAudrey, designed to make 64 look like just the Vogue cover for you! Step right up and see the eight wonders of the world, folks; only 25 cents!
4) Orthopedics shop
5) Used 33s vinyl shop (after hearing aid supplier.)
6) Cane and able supplier
7) Mobility device showroom
8) Florida restaurants with early-bird specials